I’m opening up the shop again, this Saturday, May 16th! Our deliveries over the weekend went very smoothly THANKS to my sister who got involved and handled logistics like a pro! She painstakingly was checking and re-checking orders to make sure nothing was forgotten! We have got amazing feedback, pictures from some of you sharing recipes and just the joy of a box full of local, fresh green stuff!! Orders received on May 16th will be delivered the following weekend, May 23rd and 24th! It’s simple this time: An awesome spring box and raw sauerkraut you can add. Our seedling are sold out – sorry about that. It’s times like these I really wished we grew a heck of a lot more. Honestly, it hurts each time I have to let someone down when they reach out to ask for tomato, herb plants etc. …And the perogies, cabbage rolls are done as well! (This is to be expected! These foods we create for fall and winter and they always finish up during spring! I will make all our awesome foods available for fall and especially over the holidays in a big way!) Let’s hope the weather gets warmer too! I have a feeling it will very soon 🙂 **And YES! We will take back those big boxes! Condense them and we can pick them up on your next order – whenever that may be! I KNOW you all will be back for *strawberries* if not sooner!