“TRY US OUT!” Sosnicki Organics VIP Home Delivery 2 weeks!


Welcome to our farm’s home delivery!

This option gives you 2 bins of our fresh produce! 9 large veggie items all certified organic and access to our VIP Add On shop to add extra items like extra veggies, fruits and foods like perogies and chicken pot pies!

It’s so easy – first, check our route map to see where you fit and which day we are in your neighborhood to deliver your bin! Then you can choose your 2 delivery weeks! (Always beginning the week after your purchase).  Our friendly logistics helper Aileen is available at info@sosnickiorganics.com to answer all your questions and make sure you are ready for your first delivery!

During November you can expect to see in your veggie bins:

6 different kinds of Potatoes including Yukon Golds, Red Norland, Fingerlings and Gourmet Coloured varieties; Carrots and also Juice Carrots! Beets; Watermelon Radish and 3 other Colourful Radish; Red and Green Cabbages; GREENS: such as Spinach, Salad Green Mix; Bok Choy, Batavian Lettuces, French Shallots; Garlic Galore; Cooking Onions, Red Onions; Leeks; Celery Root; more Broccoli, Cauliflower; Sweet Potatoes; Squash including Kabocha, Buttercup, Butternut! Fresh Herbs! Snow Kale (soo sweet!) I’ll also be running the VIP shop weekly, so adding on extra veggies will continue! PLUS *** PEROGIES, ALL KINDS, SAUERKRAUTS, CABBAGE ROLLS, CHICKEN POT PIES bulk orders for the Holidays too!  We will continue on with Pfenning’s Organic offerings including different fruits, sprouts, specialty veggies, kefir and more!

See you soon 🙂

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