It’s almost here! Sign up time for our home delivery service all around Toronto and our community of Norfolk County! February 5th we will open up shop and you’ll all have the opportunity to buy! Unlike a traditional CSA (community support agriculture) We do things differently. You can customize your veggie boxes, you can skip weeks, you can even do ‘every other week’ delivery if the bin size is too big and you need more time to enjoy the contents! We also don’t expect you to buy the whole or even half season. We typically sell by the month or 2 months at a time! To start this season we are offering a 6 week (2 weeks in May and all of June) ‘spring box’ when you enjoy early spring veggies AND can add our organic SEEDLINGS for your urban gardens! Also it’s our ‘strawberry season’! Who doesn’t love sweet succulent strawberries proudly sprayed with absolutely nothing??? Then we are offering a 10 week bin delivery that will cover all this plus the month of July (which is cucumber season! Making dill pickles? We can supply the organic cucs, the fresh garlic AND the dill!) It’s going to be a spectacular season at Sosnicki’s! Mark your calandar – FEBRUARY 5th!
Email us at: to be put on our newsletter list so that you don’t miss our first newsletter with link to shop to buy add ons including the seedlings ready to go Victoria Day weekened!
Love your farmers, Ben and Jessie Sosnicki and crew xoxo.